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How can you be sure you’ve found a turf supplier near you?


Turf suppliers often advertise themselves as local- yet with Turfgrowers you can be certain your turf definitely is. From Reading to Liverpool, London to Manchester, our network of depots connects you with the fresh turf you need to lay the perfect lawn.

The advantage of local turf suppliers is simple- fresh turf recovers from being transplanted faster, more neatly and without damage that might leave it looking unhealthy or lacklustre. The second turf is dug at the garden centre it begins to decompose- so getting it to your garden and laid as fast as possible is of paramount importance.

Simply calculate the amount of turf your garden needs and with our suppliers your turf will arrive first thing- ready for laying and healthy enough to recover quickly once planted. Weed free and luscious, and at only £2.28 per metre, our turf can make your garden green with health & your neighbours green with envy! Contact our team today for more information on how we can help your garden prosper this year. 

Our Top 5 Turf Facts

Our Top 5 Turf Facts:

Turf is great! You might expect us to say that, but, before you call in the cement mixer or decide to deck over your yard, consider what a beautiful garden you could create with a crisp bright lawn. The list below show just how great turf is, and this fabulous stuff needs only the occasional trim!

  1. It’s an oxygen factory! After trees and algae, turf generates more oxygen than any other plant life on earth. Which you could say, is probably the most important favour plants do us humans. An acre of turf can provide enough oxygen for 64 people per day- more oxygen than can an acre of rainforest.
  2. It’s a natural air conditioner! Turf is cooler than concrete- and can help circulate cool, oxygenated air around your garden. With a lower temperature by 10-14 degrees than other yard surfaces, it not only fights global warming with its great oxygen-emitting properties- it keeps the temperature nice and cool as well. Having a front lawn outside your home can do the same job as a massive, 70-ton industrial air conditioner.
  3. It absorbs crazyamounts of water. While a lawn can survive on only one inch of water per week (that’s 3mm a day!) your lawn also has the ability to soak up 20,000 litres of water in one go before it begins to build up. This is why simple turf plays such a vital role in the prevention of flooding over wide areas- yet as more people concrete over their yards, the risk of flooding will increase.
  4. It’s antibiotic. This one blew our minds. Studies in the USA into the role of artificial turf in sports showed a higher rate of MRSA and serious bacterial infections in baseball players who played on artificial grass. This is because, while turf is swarming with good or neutral bacteria that can suppress bug-causing infections (left by mess etc) the synthetic grass had no such ‘immune system’- causing infections to multiply & thrive in the plastic grass & rubber underlay. While turf naturally drains, washing out messes or harmful substances, artificial surfaces retain whatever is dropped on them until they are cleaned. Furthermore, the millions of individual grass leaves (up to 200,000 per square metre) in your lawn, safely traps dust & pollution that otherwise drifts into the atmosphere.
  5. A single grass plant has 600 miles of root- further than the distance from London to Berlin! A 40 foot by 20 foot lawn will be supported by 263 MILLION miles of roots- twice the distance to Mars!

Unlock Your Outdoor Potential Part 1

Unlock Your Outdoor Potential Part 1

 Six reasons to transform your garden from weeds to wonder in time for summer

Long summer afternoons, soaking up the sun on the lawn. Watching bees and butterflies dance over bright, blooming flowers. Tucking into a fresh salad pulled only minutes earlier from your luscious allotment. The simple joys that come with a beautiful garden, make the summer months an extra special time. Yet if you look out of the window and all you see is weeds, rocks & the occasional piece of long forgotten lawn furniture, this blissful vision may seem out of reach to even the greenest fingers. Many people feel that the work and time required to salvage their dilapidated garden outweighs the benefits- but this is the winter blues talking! With even a small input of time and effort, you can begin to turn your weed-riddled yard into a real garden, somewhere you can kick back and unwind on those sunny afternoons. The task before you may seem like a waste of time, of effort and even money, but there’s no reason it has to be. Here’s six reasons why your garden deserves your time…

  1. It’s a big part of your property

Imagine leaving a room inside your home as neglected as some folk leave their gardens. It’s truly saddening to realise that part of the mortgage is being spent buying a piece of land that many will simply shrug at, and complain that it’d be too much effort, and eventually will cover under concrete, gravel or decking. In fact fewer and fewer of us are looking out of our windows and seeing possibilities. Instead we’re seeing work- and we prefer to do our DIY (indeed if we do any) indoors, where it can be enjoyed year round. And yet your money, your hard work, are going on a space which you may never enjoy- because we’re inherently lazy. But transforming part of our home into something to be enjoyed does not only give us great satisfaction, it can even increase the value of your home. And along the way you will develop a bond with your garden far closer than you would simply redecorating the living room. Putting your own creative mark on your garden is a goal worth striving for, and as you create your vision you will truly know what it means to turn a house into a home.

  1. It can keep you fit and reduce stress

Gardening is not an especially physically demanding activity. It can be done by people of almost any age, and almost any physical condition, and, perhaps weather permitting, can involve absolutely anyone. Young children can be given safe, simple tasks, and now more than ever specialised equipment is being produced that enables even those with extreme difficulties in movement to weed and trim gardens independently. Yet compared to sitting on the sofa in a stuffy living room, the act of gardening can increase movement and keep you healthy by proving gentle, varied activities each day. Recent studies have even show how even short burst of some gardening activities can:

  • Burn calories
  • Strengthen joints
  • Help control cholesterol & blood pressure
  • Increase flexibility

Besides this, a garden is a sanctuary from day to day life. It abounds with chances to retreat from the stresses of job and home, whether throwing oneself into small but engaging tasks or just kicking back and enjoying the atmosphere, you can find a sense of bliss simply by being outside. Leave your electronics inside, and get stuck in to some gardening- what may at first seem like unpleasant, mundane drudgery quickly takes on its own pleasing rhythm as you reconnect with what a lot of us have forgotten- how to work with our hands. A lot of people escape the fast-paced modern world by retreating further into it, with TV or computers, and when your friends hear about muddy afternoons or early starts, they might think you’re crazy- but the sight of your hard work coming to fruition before your eyes trumps all the distractions of modern life for a pure sense of satisfaction well-deserved.

  1. The Benefits of owning a garden

As we mention in the introduction, the garden is a great place to unwind in the summer- but it’s a lot more besides. While a flower garden can provide a serene place to think & relax, a lawn with a border can be both a beautiful sight and also a great place for your pets or kids to play. A vegetable or herb garden, or a greenhouse can feed your family and let you taste the fruits of your labour- and give you the satisfaction of knowing your dinner didn’t come from the supermarket. Those with enough space can achieve all this and more besides. Indeed, a garden can be everything you want it to be- a reflection of your vision. Whether you wish to cultivate veg or flowers, or simply a place for your family to enjoy, your garden can take whatever form you wish- as intricate or informal as you choose. Whatever your idyll, with hard work you can bring it to life –literally- before your eyes.                                                                                                                                

  1. It creates an interest that will stay with you forever

Gardening is recreation. In point #1 we mentioned that too many people see it was a chore, when really it can be so much more. By taking small steps and planning you will find your interest in the steps needed to develop your garden grows, and you will quickly become invested in your garden and the progress you’re making. As your knowledge grows so will your enjoyment, and the time you will be willing to contribute to your garden. Soon, you’ll be eager to learn more, and before long you’re truly a green-fingered gardening enthusiast! Gardening becomes a lifetime passion for many, and as a hobby for people of all ages it can be a part of your life for years to come. The world of plants & gardening is a huge one, and you can always find a new direction in which to take your interest.

  1. It teaches forward planning, organisation & proactivity

Gardening is a long game. It requires months, even years of planning ahead- the sort of organising ability most of us wish we had in every aspect of our lives. It’s a hard skill to learn, and one that can serve each of us very well as we plan for our futures. These days, it’s rare that we’re required to plan so far ahead, yet doing so can, in reality, save time, hassle, money and lead to better decisions. However the benefit of a hobby that requires thinking far, farahead, is that the daunting step of envisioning that far ahead becomes a part of life. You’ll want to know when the compost you’ve just laid out will be ready, or how long before you can expect trees to begin bearing fruit. These processes take years and require immediate work- as you will learn, working around the weather means a lot of hard work now, for a payoff perhaps years in the future. Being proactive is key- it won’t take you long to realise that putting off until tomorrow what you can do today, simply won’t cut it!

  1. It isn’t as hard as you think!

Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by millions. For many others it’s a practical necessity. You will almost certainly struggle at first, and make a few mistakes along the way, but while the world of gardening may not be too forgiving of errors in the short term, it always grants you the chance to try again. With the rise of the internet we have seen massive amounts of information on all gardening topics become available, from websites to blogs to forums, and of course there are books abounding on the topic. There are also clubs and societies dedicated to gardening, TV and radio programmes dedicated to advising new gardeners, and even video games about gardening (these may be more recreational than informative, but nonetheless- there’s a wealth of material out there). The point is you’ll never have far to look for help, no matter now precise your gardening query.

Interested in starting out on the path to a beautiful garden? In part 2 of this blog we will uncover how to make the move from dream to reality- without a massive time commitment.

Turfgrowers is a premium supplier of fresh turf and gardening supplies across the UK. Passionate about getting the most out of gardens, we provide only top quality turf via an overnight service to ensure health & freshness. For guidance on lawn laying, from how to lay a lawn to what kind of turn is best for your needs, visit our homepage at:

Unlock your Outdoor Potential Part 2

Unlock your Outdoor Potential Part 2

Three steps to begin transforming your garden from weeds to wonder in time for summer

In our last article, we discussed the reasons you might consider reclaiming your garden from the weeds and begin its transformation into a beacon of colour and life. And while you may be sold on the benefits of a bright summer garden, you may remain a little bewildered as to where to start! It’s easy to point out that a little TLC could deliver your garden from neglect and decay, but where to begin? Here are some easy first steps to get you on the way to turning your yard into a summer paradise.

  1. Plan your garden.

“If I had eight hours to chop a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my axe” so said Abraham Lincoln. We may not be cutting down trees to build our garden (though some may!), we’re more interested in growing a few! The point of this quote is: preparation is everything. Build a detailed plan of what will need doing, and when, and stock your cupboards, shed or equivalent with all the tools & supplies you’ll need before you start. Information for new gardeners abounds, and with the rise of the internet the quantity of advice available is staggering. You can master your garden without this, of course, but it will take more time, effort and money in the long run. Use gardening forums to ask questions- they are a great place for inexperienced gardeners to put their queries to horticultural veterans, who are usually quite sympathetic go the plight of those just starting out. If the internet is not your thing (though if you’re reading this we assume it is) you can get ideas from magazines and books, or even radio and TV. Decide what kind of garden you want- is a veg or herbs to enjoy, a lawn to relax on or flowers to sit amongst as you soak up the sun? Many gardens include some or all of these in some degree. You’ll need to decide on your own priorities.

Next you should envision where it will all go- this is a more important task that it looks! While there are many considerations- it may help some plants (and you) to be located close to spigots, or a compost heap- the main concern here is sunlight. Nearly all plants will require a certain minimum amount of bright sunlight each day, and while we can’t guarantee the British weather will always oblige, we need to ensure that when it is sunny, the right plants absorb as much of it as possible. Bear in mind that warm places may be more vulnerable to dry soil, and that trees that in winter hold no leaves may obscure the sun once spring rolls around. Of course, some gardens will receive more sunlight than others, and you may find yourself rethinking your choice. The type & pH of the soil, and the local climate, will also be key factors. When you choose your plants you may also wish to take into account the colours of flowers and the eventual size they might grow to, as well as any special characteristics or extra care they may require. Start to build a picture of what your finished garden will look like.

  1. Prepare the ground

After all that planning and research, you’re probably ready to get stuck in! Of course the weather isn’t perfect for outdoor work just yet, but pulling weeds and digging out roots is enjoyable and fairly easy, and gives you the satisfaction of seeing the visible improvement in your garden as a result of your efforts. First map out your borders and any footpaths or features you want to make room for in your garden. Once you’ve decided on the depth and location of your borders, or allotment, you need to begin digging! You’ll want to catch all the weeds, especially perennials, and dig them out in their entirety. Bits of rubble or debris beneath the soil will need sifting away. This is a good chance to explore what’s really under your garden. Many have dug up interesting finds such as old clay pots or bottles, and we’ve found everything from clay pipes to a bathroom sink! If you live in a very built up, heavily urban area you may be more likely to uncover debris like this, and it’s possible you may find layers of old stone building works a few feet under your garden- do not panic- you’ll be surprised what can be coaxed into growing just above someone’s old floor. Once your garden is clear and empty of weeds, rocks and old lawn furniture, you can make a start. Don’t worry if it looks messy- all that digging can leave the area looking extremely untidy, but soon you’ll be looking at some beautiful plants instead. Once you’ve cleared the border you’ll probably want to improve its fertility profile a bit- especially if the area has sat unused for some time. This is easier than it sounds, and involves selecting a type of compost and working it into the soil. There are different composts on the market with different characteristics and you’ll want to pick the right one for your needs.

  1. Shop around

Make sure you get healthy, freshly potted plants from a good source. Of course there are plenty of other ways, however a healthy, well-developed plant ready to go will save you time and the difficulties of growing from cuttings, or from seed, and providing you perform the planting out correctly, should quickly establish a vibrant garden in time for spring. For vegetables, you will need to identify the best time and conditions for planting and when to expect a crop- for most vegetables this could be weeks, months or, for bushes and small trees, years.

In designing your garden most people want some lawn to relax on. While the amount varies, it can be a nice, light open space in which to lay back and unwind, or to play with pets or family. When it comes to turf, we believe the best way to proceed is select your turf supplier and prepare your lawn completely prior to laying. While it should be easy to find out how to lay turf, it’s important that you use fresh turf supplied soon after it’s collected, to minimise decay and ensure it’s laid as quickly as possible. For more information on this you can see our site.

We hope this guide is helpful! Remember, if run into difficulties, the online gardening community is a great place to make friends and learn.

Turfgrowers is a premium supplier of fresh turf and gardening supplies across the UK. Passionate about getting the most out of gardens, we provide only top quality turf via an overnight service to ensure health & freshness. For guidance on lawn laying, from how to lay a lawn to what kind of turn is best for your needs, visit our homepage at:

Winter lawn care tips from Turf Growers


Lawn solutions: how you can keep your lawn healthy over winter.

Turfgrowers is the UK’s top online bulk turf delivery service. We provide rolls of high quality turf delivered to your garden freshly cut and ready for laying.

Just like the rest of us, during the winter your lawn needs to rest, and the dark, cold season tends to prevent much growth or even repair of plants. Therefore, treat your lawn to some time off over the winter, limiting your activity and mowing throughout winter. When frosty avoid walking on it entirely, while otherwise avoiding any work other than collecting leaves and branches. Staying off will let the lawn rest without needing to invest extra energy in recovering from the damage that footfall will cause.

Improve drainage for those rainy days. Keeping the lawn clear of debris will offer some protection, but aerating the ground by gently piercing the surface will offer great ventilation that will prevent damp from setting in and rotting your turf- although this can be very weather dependant. Don’t worry about snow. Although it might seem terrible for your lawn it will rest on the surface and not cause much damage- however if possible avoid keeping it on the lawn for longer than necessary- for instance by piling it up (say by building a snowman) which will take longer to melt and cause more harm to the turf beneath.

While the weather is better, consider using autumn plant foods to strengthen roots & kill moss to further combat damp build up in your turf.

Avoid mowing- while the winter low temperatures and poor light slows growth, however some gardeners believe that some cutting during warmer days stimulates growth and helps maintain a regular appearance.

Simply abandoning it to the winter can lead to further damage. If you’re careful & attentive now there are lots of ways you can help your lawn recover quickly and thrive after winter. 

Wondering where to buy turf? We supply across the UK!

Want to upgrade your garden in time for summer, but don’t know how? To lay a lawn you first of all need turf, and wherever you are, it will need to arrive fresh, alive & healthy, ready to take its place in your garden.

As summer draws closer, we all want that perfect garden, whether for entertaining friends, relaxing with family or just enjoying the much-awaited sun. We believe the key to the garden is a great lawn, yet buying turf can be an uphill struggle- especially if you have a large garden.  

Our depots are ready to help you find your perfect lawn. If you’re unsure where to buy turf in the UK- talk to us! We have rolls of turf for sale that will arrive at your garden clean, healthy & perfect for immediate laying & aftercare.

Wherever you are, our team of experts can deliver to you- your turf will arrive carefully packed, freshly cut within 24 hours, and perfect for laying. When you buy turf online from us you can be sure to receive rolls of turf perfect for laying straight into your garden.

Wherever you are, you’re only a click away for our dedicated turf suppliers:











Whatever your lawn laying needs, our team of experts are happy to help you find what you’re after. Contact us today to speak to one of our staff and find out how we can help you achieve your dream garden.