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Turf & Lawn Blog

Welcome to Turf Growers Blog, you will find loads of useful information on lawn care, turfing tips and the latest news and updates on subject that may affect your turf like hose pipe bans and weather conditions.

Moss in Lawns and Turf

The unsightly and frustrating weed that reeks havoc in many of our British lawns, moss, for it's simple structure is a force to be reckoned with. Moss can be chemically treated by moss killers which can be found at your local garden centre.  However on many occasions the moss or Bryophyta family can be found growing again.  The reasoning behind this is that moss can be caused by a number of factors which should be taken into account when first thinking about the treatment of your lawn: Has there been any water logging in either Summer or Winter?Is the soil infertile?Is the...

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How to Plan a Lawn

So you have decided you want to create a lawn; whether you are working with existing lawn or starting a fresh with new turf and topsoil then here is my guide to help you create your perfect lawn. Make a plan.  The word "plan" should not be underestimated here, draw your plan of what you want to achieve and stick to it!Appearance is everything.  Plan what you want the final thing to look like taking into account how you will be using that space; e.g if you have children, pets or even no use at all.  If you are creating a...

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Fairy Rings in Your Lawn

Ever wondered about those small circles of mushrooms or dark circles on your lawn? Wonder no more; all is explained in my blog about this mysterious fungi. Mainly found in established lawns the Fairy Rings are caused by solid borne fungi that naturally occur in the soil underneath a lawns suffice. There are 3 common types in the UK. Where has it come from? Over 60 species of Fungi have been know to be the culprits of creating these curious yet magical circles. The old wives tale of trying to dig the ring out just would not work as it is...

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